How to use this calculator:
Step 1. Make your own Copy
Open this link to the calculator, then click "File" > "Make a copy"
Step 2. Select your Sheet
If your trading account is comprised of only USD balances, use the default sheet - "USD Only"
If you also have BTC (or ALT balances), or want to trade using BitMEX's XBT settled contracts then use the second sheet labelled "USD & BTC Balances"
Step 3. Input your values
List any accounts that you want to contribute towards your trading account, then input the value of those accounts.
The calculator will automatically calculate the total value of your entire trading account based on these inputs.
If using BTC & USD values, the calculator automatically updates based on current* (within 20 minutes) BTC price to give a measure of total account value in both USD & BTC - regardless of the makeup of the account assets.
Note: Make sure not to touch any red cells, or any cells in columns under the Red "This Column contains formulas and should not be edited" Banner. Doing so may break the sheet.
If you break the sheet, simply return to the original sheet using the link above and make a new copy.
If your trading account contains ALT coins, see the alt section of the tutorial video here
Step 4. Use the given account risk when placing trades.
Once you've filled out the values for BTC & USD amounts in your accounts, and selected your desired amount to be risked as a percentage of total trading account, the calculator will give you the relevant account risk to use when trading with that account in VEMA.
For example, if we had the below accounts and details and wanted to take a BitMEX XBTUSD trade (BTC Settled), we would look for the relevant account risk for that account in BTC:
We would then input that 4.05% value into the Account Risk field in the setup screen for that trade within VEMA.
If you only have one API key connected to VEMA, you can use the default account risk setting to automate this for your trading:
Step 5. Updating the Spreadsheet
As the spreadsheet is not aware of changes to your account balances, it should be updated frequently.
Ideally before placing each trade, you should update the spreadsheet so your account risk is as accurate as can be. In practice I know people may not do this, so if not every trade I'd recommend doing it daily, once a week, or once a month depending on your trading frequency.
If you do have both USD & BTC in your trading account, BTC's price movement over time will also affect your account value & therefore risk management. I'd recommend checking the risk suggested by the sheet frequently to make sure your account risk is staying inline with your intended risk.
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