Quick Links:
Entering the competition
Placing a Trade
How is the competition scored?
What happens if my trade doesn't close by the end of the competition?
Entering the competition
If a competition is actively running, the navigation bar (menu at the top of the screen) will show a special banner.
To enter the competition, simply click on this banner.
This will take you to the competition details page, where you can see the rules, start and end dates, and other relevant information for the competition such as prizes.
To enter the competition, click the "Join Now" button.
Placing a Trade
Once joined, any trade setup being created that is eligible for the competition will show a "Count towards Competition" Checkbox.
The current eligibility is that a trade must be placed on Bitget, meaning any Bitget trade: Live, Paper, Long, Short, Trigger or Market entry - will be eligible.
This is enabled by default, meaning any trades setup will automatically be entered into the competition.
If you'd like to opt out of the trade being entered, simply uncheck this box.
Note: If you change your mind, the entry can be enabled / disabled by editing a monitoring trade. Once a position has entered, this status cannot be changed.
How are the competitions scored?
The leaderboard for these competitions is scored by cumulative achieved R:R
Achieved R:R is the R:R achieved on a single trade after it has been adjusted for fees.
This means a 1.5:1 trade on the chart may end up as a 1.3:1 achieved R:R, as despite the raw profit being 150% of the amount risked, once fees were taken into account the true profit once became 130% of the amount risked.
You can find the achieved R:R for an exited position in the Risk Details section under "Actual R/R"
The score shown in the leaderboard is the cumulative sum of all of these achieved R:R's for trades that were entered into the competition.
What happens if my trade doesn't close by the end of the competition?
While only exited positions can have a true achieved R:R, competitions allow Live trades to be placed, and we don't believe a winning trade should have to be closed just to boost your competition score.
So instead any positions open at the time of the competition end will effectively have a "snapshot" of their "achieved" R:R taken.
This is calculated using the price at the time of the competition ending and the relevant market close fees that would apply to closing the position here, as well as any filled take profits and their fees.
In the screenshot below, this competition ended at 12pm.
My position was still open, so VEMA will calculate the achieved R:R for the leaderboard as if I had market closed my position at 12pm.
This will give me a raw R:R of 1.83, which will then be adjusted for fees to around 1.79.
This figure will then be used for this trades contribution to the leaderboard regardless of when and where this trade exits after the competition has closed.
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