📣 VEMA Trade Results Cards (closed trades only)
Start spreading your amazing wins with ease! On all closed trades, you now will be able to share your trade result by downloading the VEMA trade result card. You can even interact with the chart and choose the exact drawing you want to share
⚠️ Liquidation safeguards
An amber liquidation line will now be visible on the chart when in an open position and Liquidation is close to your Stop Loss
A warning email will be sent once every 15 minutes when:
Liquidation is near your Stop Loss AND
The current price is near your Stop Loss
You can turn the warning emails on/off under My Account > Notifications > Position Liquidation Warning
These email alerts are disabled by default.
This is currently a global setting and so will be enabled/disabled for all trades when activated / disabled.
To learn more about how liquidation warnings work see our FAQ:
How do VEMA liquidation warnings work?
🐞 Bug fixes
Start Charting screen
The VEMA Trigger line can now be removed via the delete icon in the side panel and chart actions
Swapping exchange and deleting drawings from the chart will now remove the VEMA Trigger line from the side panel
Expired symbols will no longer receive old candle data
Analyse screen
Fixed an issue where editing and saving tags on an analyse card will load empty form fields.
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