Our latest VEMA release gives traders the ability to set an account level maximum risk exposure to the market, hide the dashboard P&L graph, and more!
🚧 Maximum Risk Exposure
The Maximum Risk Exposure setting gives traders the ability to set an account-wide maximum live trade risk value.
For example, a user who sets this to 5% could enter 5 x 1% account risk trades, but if all 5 remain open, any further live trades will terminate if entry conditions are met as opening that position would exceed the maximum risk limit.
This allows users with a large number of setups to protect themselves from potentially large risk when volatility could lead to many entries being met in a short space of time.
A user could also set it to 0% if they didn't want any Live trades to enter for a period of time (expected volatility, Trader taking the weekend off etc) without needing to cancel all of their monitoring setups.
👀 Dashboard P&L Chart Toggle
After a number of requests users now have the ability to Show / Hide the dashboard P&L graph. This setting can be found in the Customisation section of the Account settings page.
The chart has also been duplicated into the Analyse screen.
☀️ Improvements
- Behind the scenes changes for progress on a new Forex Broker & Prop firm.
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed a number of bugs on the Analyse screen including cards re-ordering and duplicating
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