Our latest VEMA release includes Entry and Exit screenshots now being included in both e-mails and journal logs, the ability to "reset" your account by altering your trade history start date, Stripe LINK integration and more!
📷 Entry and Exit Screenshots
Entry and Exit screenshots are now included in both emails and journal logs, making it easier than ever to monitor your trade.
📅 Trade History Start Date
Want to start taking your trading seriously but old data is getting you down?
Now you can "reset" your account with the Trade History Start date.
This setting can be found under the customisation tab of the account settings page, and allows you to set a specific date as the point you want to start fresh from by hiding all prior data within VEMA.
This will not affect open positions, but will terminate any monitoring trades set prior to this date, and hide all tradeplans that exited before this date.
If you ever want to re-include those tradeplans in your data analysis, simply change the date to include them and they'll pop right back up.
☀️ Improvements
- ByBit added to the position size calculator
- Improvements around display of other side of trendline
- Path tool and indicative entry improvements.
- LINK support added to billing page
- Tradesimulator improvements
- Adding Distance to Invalidate now automatically adds Distance to Confirm.
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue with The Concept Trading crypto symbol naming
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