Our latest VEMA release, 1.20, is heavily focused around getting Forex trading into VEMA.
While it may not be accessible for users just yet, we're making huge progress in bringing you the ability to trade Forex instruments directly in VEMA trader, an upgrade we're extremely excited to bring you!
☀️ Improvements
- Account balance and details will now be immediately updated when new API keys are added, allowing you to start trading live instantly!
- After a recent issue arose with certain OKX subaccounts using the Long/Short position mode, we added an block on these API keys with instructions on how to change to Buy/Sell mode.
- Recent issues with some exchanges sending data telling us symbols had expired incorrectly caused some users trades to exit early. We provided a workaround fix for this that should see this issue occur much less (hopefully completely eliminated) in the future
- Recent issues with some exchanges taking longer than usual to respond to our requests led to some user trades erroring out. We've increased the time we allow for exchanges to respond to these requests
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