Note: VEMA support will never ask for your API keys. These give access to your account and should never be shared outside of the VEMA Trader API key screen.
Creating Bitget API keys for VEMA should NOT be done on mobile, as the API key permissions necessary don't all appear on Bitget Mobile.
Once API keys have been added, mobile usage should work as normal.
Quick Links:
Step 1) Creating your sub-account
Step 2) Funding your sub-account
Step 3) Creating your API Keys
Step 4) Adding your API keys to VEMA Trader
Unable to add API Key - Insufficient Permissions
Balance showing as $00.00
Balance showing as $******
Step 1) Creating your sub-account
Login to Bitget. If you don't have a Bitget account yet, you can sign up here.
Once logged in, proceed to the dashboard, which you can reach by clicking the profile icon in the top right, then selecting Dashboard.
If you do not have two methods of Two-Factor Authentication set up on BitGet, go to Security (Green box in below image) and enable two methods as you'll need these later.
After doing so, or if you have enabled them previously, select "Sub-accounts" from the menu on the left, and click "+ Create"
Next select "Virtual Sub Account, and give your sub account a name (this will only be seen in Bitget, while VEMA asks you to name your API key later, this doesn't have to match your Bitget name for the account).
Once you've input your 2FA codes, you'll see your sub-account added successfully, nice work!
Step 2) Funding your sub-account
While on the sub-account page, select "Transfer" on your new sub-account.
Next, ensure your "From" is set to the account where your funds are (Main account Spot for me) and then select your sub-account and "USDT-M Futures" for the "To" section.
Then simply transfer the amount you'd like to have access to in your VEMA Trading account.
Step 3) Creating your API Keys
Return to the profile menu by selecting the profile icon.
Make sure you are on your main account as shown in the green box below, then select "API Keys"
Once here, select your newly funded sub-account from the dropdown at left, then click "+ Create API Key".
Select "System-Generated API Key"
Once here, ensure your permissions are set to "Read-Write", then give your API Key a passphrase.
Note: You'll need to remember this passphrase when you add the API Key to VEMA Trader shortly.
Next scroll down to the permission types and make sure you have selected (ticked) Futures - Orders, Futures - Holdings, as well as Spot - Trade.
There is no need to have any of the others enabled, and if you are seeing withdrawals please make sure this is unchecked. VEMA will never need withdrawal permissions on your API Keys.
On the next page, click "Send" on each step of your 2FA, then input the codes once received.
Congratulations, you've just created your Bitget API Keys! Do not click confirm as we're going to need this pop-up in step 4.
Step 4) Adding your API keys to VEMA Trader
Login to VEMA Trader, then head to my account:
Select "Trading Accounts" and ensure your exchange is set to Bitget.
Give your account a name (personally I use the sub-account name to make things easier but it doesn't have to be) and then return to Bitget.
Copy and paste the API key and Secret Key into the relevant fields on VEMA Trader, and add your key passphrase that you set up before, then click "+Add Key"
You should then receive a success toast telling you the API key add was successful! After a minute or two your balance should appear in the wallet and you can begin live trading.
If you receive an error toast, or your balance does not show, see the troubleshooting steps below.
Unable to add API Key - Insufficient Permissions
The API key doesn't have the correct permissions for VEMA to operate. Revisit Step 3 and ensure you have Futures - Orders and Holdings selected (ticked), as well as Spot - Trade. There is no need to have any of the others enabled, and if you are seeing withdrawals please make sure this is unchecked. VEMA will never need withdrawal permissions on your API Keys.
Balance showing in VEMA as $00.00
This means you have successfully added the API key, VEMA has picked up the balance, and there are zero funds in the correct account.
Common causes here are funds in the wrong sub-account or main account, or funds in the wrong section of the correct sub-account such as being in the Spot account.
Return to Step 2 and make sure your funds are in the USDT-Futures section of the Correct Sub-Account.
Balance showing as $******
This occurs when you have streaming mode enabled, which protects you by hiding all balances and showing asterixis instead. Note you can trade normally still provided your balance is non-zero, VEMA still knows your balance and calculates position size accordingly.
To turn streaming mode off head to "My account" > "Customisation" then click disable streaming mode and save:
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